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Work Different With AI Workshops

AI Advisory Workshop for Consultants

Target Audience: Enterprise IT Consultancies. Key Takeaways: AI analysis modeling, governance models, AI pilot planning, upselling AI consulting services.

Vector graphic of a workflow diagram labeled 'AI Advisory', branching out to elements like 'PEP vs ETP modeling', 'Change Management', and 'Upselling Services'.

AI Advisory Worshop for Consultants

Presented by


Every enterprise customer wants to know what to do next with Generative AI. Have you equipped your consultants with fresh, innovative advice that will capture your client’s imagination with a solution.

Equip your consultants to guide clients' AI journeys confidently amidst the hype. In this intensive 1-day session, experts provide exclusive weapons for you to compete with vigor in this new customer battlefield..

Gain real-world examples and tools to incrementally rollout AI delivering competitive advantage. Leave with resources to upsell ongoing services.


What You'll Learn:

  • Prompt Engineering Platform (PEP) vs ETP modeling for clearer AI analysis
  • Proven governance models and change management tactics
  • AI pilot planning and incremental rollout strategies
  • Workforce impact considerations
  • Upselling additional AI consulting services

What You’ll Take Away:

  • Toolkit of frameworks, templates, and examples
  • Case studies tailored to your clients' industries
  • Ongoing access to WorkDifferentWithAI insights
  • Positioning as forward-thinking AI advisors
  • “Train the Trainer” content development

Functionally Complete:

  • Workshop Preparation
  • Followup Consultations

"This workshop empowered our team to guide clients to work differently with AI in a strategic, value-driven manner." - Partner, Global SI Firm



  • PEP vs ETP Framework
  • Assessing AI Vendor Solutions
  • Enterprise AI Adoption Risks


  • AI Pilot Planning Resources
  • Change Management Tactics
  • Workforce Impact Strategies
  • Upselling AI Services

"The pragmatic principles and independent validation will position our consultants as trusted AI advisors." - AI Practice Lead, Boutique SI Firm


Contact Vernon Keenan at [email protected] for a free discovery conference call to determine how to be produce a workshop customized for your needs.