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Work Different With AI Conference Track

Unlocking Enterprise Value with Prompt Engineering Platforms (PEPs)

This track demystifies the Prompt Engineering Platform (PEP) by offering actionable insights into how enterprises can automate and optimize workflows. Learn how PEPs are revolutionizing activities like customer service, document creation, and data processing, and understand how these platforms can be implemented to drive tangible business value.

Illustration of a creative workspace dedicated to prompt engineering in a 16:9 aspect ratio. The room is filled with whiteboards covered in flowcharts, diagrams, and sticky notes. In the middle, a group of diverse professionals, both men and women of diff

Unlocking Enterprise Value with Prompt Engineering Platforms (PEPs)

Track Overview

Prompt Engineering Platforms (PEPs) are transforming how enterprises leverage AI to automate business processes and workflows. This track provides practical guidance on evaluating, piloting, and scaling PEP implementations to drive productivity, efficiency, and tangible ROI.

Sessions will cover PEP capabilities, applications, and case studies across industries like insurance, healthcare, financial services, and retail. Attendees will learn PEP best practices around governance, bias mitigation, change management, and responsible AI.

The track explores integrating PEPs with cloud services, pairing with Executive Thinking Partners, and managing AI-driven disruption. Insights will demystify PEPs so enterprises can adopt confidently. Attendees will gain frameworks to develop roadmaps that unlock value.

Get Involved – Call for Participation

We welcome those experienced with PEPs to share expertise through moderating, speaking, or contributing. Help shape understanding of how these platforms create enterprise value. We invite technologists, business leaders, consultants, and vendors to lend diverse perspectives.

Suggested Topics

  • PEP Architecture Deep Dive
  • Building Impactful Prompts
  • Change Management Strategies
  • Measuring PEP ROI
  • Ethics and Responsible PEP Practices

Share Your Expertise

Those with experience driving PEP success in customer service, document creation, data processing, and other workflows are needed to lead sessions. Help attendees understand possibilities and create implementation plans. Contact us if you have expertise to share!

Learn & Connect

Sessions emphasize tactical takeaways through case studies, interactive elements, and discussions. Attendees gain insider knowledge of PEP capabilities and development processes. They will leave equipped to evaluate business cases, prove value, and scale implementations.

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