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QualiGPT: GPT as an easy-to-use tool for qualitative coding

QualiGPT: GPT as an easy-to-use tool for qualitative coding Academic Paper Alert!

Written by He Zhang, Chuhao Wu, Jingyi Xie, ChanMin Kim, John M. Carroll

Category: “AI for IT”

Article Section: Natural language processing

Publication Date: 2023-10-10

SEO Description: “QualiGPT by He Zhang and team integrates GPT for qualitative coding, enhancing analysis efficiency, credibility and accessibility while reducing operational barriers.” Paper Summary

Here are some key takeaways from analyzing the paper on QualiGPT:


  • Proposes QualiGPT, a new toolkit that leverages ChatGPT’s API and prompt engineering to assist with qualitative data analysis. It is designed specifically for coding textual data to identify themes.
  • Addresses limitations of using the web interface of ChatGPT for qualitative analysis like token limits, consistency issues, lack of transparency. QualiGPT automates prompt crafting and provides interpretable outputs.
  • Demonstrates the performance of QualiGPT on simulated and real datasets, showing it can produce high-quality themes comparable to manual coding, while being more efficient.
  • Discusses the potential of QualiGPT as a collaborative tool – treating it as an additional “researcher” to provide diverse perspectives. An intriguing concept.

Commercial Applications:

  • QualiGPT could be extended into a commercial software service for qualitative researchers, providing automatic coding capabilities.
  • Consulting services around optimal prompt design and fine-tuning for qualitative analysis use cases.
  • Opportunity to build vertical solutions for specific industries that rely heavily on coding qualitative data – social sciences, market research, UX design etc.
  • Prompt engineering techniques developed could inform commercial applications leveraging LLMs like ChatGPT in other domains too.

Overall, the paper presents a novel application of generative AI to streamline a traditionally laborious task in qualitative research. The comparative results are promising and QualiGPT seems superior to manual workflows. Commercial potential exists in developing SaaS tools for automatic coding and prompt optimization.


QualiGPT, qualitative coding, Generative Pretrained Transformer, thematic analysis, qualitative analysis

Author’s Abstract

Qualitative research delves deeply into individual complex perspectives on technology and various phenomena. However, a meticulous analysis of qualitative data often requires a significant amount of time, especially during the crucial coding stage. Although there is software specifically designed for qualitative evaluation, many of these platforms fall short in terms of automatic coding, intuitive usability, and cost-effectiveness. With the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3 and its successors, we are at the forefront of a transformative era for enhancing qualitative analysis. In this paper, we introduce QualiGPT, a specialized tool designed after considering challenges associated with ChatGPT and qualitative analysis. It harnesses the capabilities of the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) and its API for thematic analysis of qualitative data. By comparing traditional manual coding with QualiGPT’s analysis on both simulated and actual datasets, we verify that QualiGPT not only refines the qualitative analysis process but also elevates its transparency, credibility, and accessibility. Notably, compared to existing analytical platforms, QualiGPT stands out with its intuitive design, significantly reducing the learning curve and operational barriers for users.

Read the full paper here

Last updated on October 18th, 2023.