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Prompting Frameworks for Large Language Models: A Survey Academic Paper Alert!

Written by Xiaoxia Liu, Jingyi Wang, Jun Sun, Xiaohan Yuan, Guoliang Dong, Peng Di, Wenhai Wang, Dongxia Wang

Category: AI for IT

Article Section: Advanced AI Topics; Natural Language Processing

Publication Date: 2023-11-21

SEO Description: Comprehensive survey on Prompting Frameworks for optimizing Large Language Models in Software Engineering.


Prompting Frameworks, Large Language Models, Survey, Interaction, Systematic Literature

Liu, Xiaoxia, et al. Prompting Frameworks for Large Language Models: A Survey. arXiv:2311.12785, arXiv, 21 Nov. 2023,

AI-Generated Paper Summary

Generated by Ethical AI Researcher GPT

The novelty of this paper lies in the introduction and comprehensive survey of Prompting Frameworks (PFs) for Large Language Models (LLMs). The paper categorizes existing PFs into three classes, provides a comparative analysis of their strengths and limitations, and discusses practical recommendations for their effective use.

From a broader standpoint, the paper examines the evolution of language models up to current LLMs, their limitations—such as temporal lag and token processing capacity—and the constraints imposed by their inability to directly interact with the external world. The paper highlights Prompting Frameworks as a mechanism to overcome these limitations by serving as a bridge between LLMs and external applications, enabling LLMs to access real-time information, process lengthy documents, and integrate with external services.

In terms of commercial applications, the concepts and tools discussed could have profound implications across industries that rely on language models. Prompting Frameworks could serve as a foundational layer for developing applications that require AI systems to exhibit nuanced communication capabilities and interact with a broader digital ecosystem. Possible applications might include advanced chatbots, personalized educational platforms, decision support systems in healthcare, contextual analysis tools in finance and law, and creative content generation in marketing and media.

The paper’s merit is grounded in its systematic presentation of a novel concept and its role in enhancing the practical capabilities of LLMs. It also offers a repository of related works and tools, as noted by the authors, to facilitate further research.

The paper presents an extensive review of Prompting Frameworks for Large Language Models (LLMs) and introduces a hierarchical structure to systematically understand the interplay between LLMs and these frameworks.

Findings and Observations:

  • The authors provide a definition for Prompting Framework (PF) emphasizing its four essential properties: modularity, abstraction, extensibility, and standardization. These properties ensure easy management, simplified interfaces, customization capabilities, and improved maintainability.
  • They categorize the workflow into four hierarchical layers:
    • Data Level: Handles data transmission and preprocessing, interacting with external data sources and ensuring various data types are appropriately processed for LLMs.
    • Base Level: Serves as a computational hub, taking responsibility for the management of LLMs and supporting knowledge management and decision-making processes.
    • Execute Level: Engages with the business logic, interacting with LLMs to accomplish specific real-world tasks. It includes three parts: direct utilization of LLMs’ raw outputs, invoking external models for complex tasks, and coordinating with higher-order models or agents for advanced AI applications.
    • Service Level: Manages, schedules, and integrates advanced tasks within the business workflow.


  • The paper argues that by leveraging PFs, the capabilities of LLMs can be enhanced, thereby helping to mitigate LLMs’ inherent limitations such as temporal lag and constrained token processing capacity.
  • It underlines the significant potential for PFs to transform the interactions between LLMs and various industries, thus acting as a facilitator for bringing to life more sophisticated use cases and real-world applications of AI.

Table 1 in the document lists representative works of prompting frameworks, classifying them into three categories and several subcategories such as “The Shell of LLMs (LLM-SH),” “Language for Interaction with LLMs (LLM-LNG),” and “Output Restrictors of LLMs (LLM-RSTR),” which represent different approaches to extending LLMs functionalities.

The paper hints at these frameworks enabling a breadth of applications, including the creation of intelligent autonomous agents and furthering the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Commercial Relevance:

  • The different domains listed, such as education, healthcare, finance, legal, retail, and more, underscore the broad commercial relevance of LLMs enabled by PFs. Removing the barrier between LLMs and external entities means that enterprises could adopt AI to conduct sophisticated analysis, automate complex tasks, and create highly interactive and adaptive systems.
  • Representative works mentioned could serve as direct resources for businesses seeking to implement such frameworks in their AI strategies. The way different frameworks specialize in different aspects such as modularity or extensibility points towards a growing ecosystem of customizable solutions that enterprises can leverage based on their specific needs.

Related Prompting Tools: The authors note the importance of tools that can aid in improving interaction with LLMs by generating higher-quality prompts or expanding their functionality. These tools, while not classified as fully-fledged prompting frameworks due to their lack of some core characteristics like modularity or scalability, are nonetheless essential to the ecosystem. Examples include prompt templates, libraries, and optimization tools that aid users—technical and non-technical alike—in creating more effective prompts for LLMs. Specific platforms and libraries that are mentioned include OpenPrompt, HumanPrompt, InstructZero, Evals, and PromptBench. These assist users in prompt design, management, and optimization, along with evaluating the robustness of LLMs against various prompts.

Comparisons and Challenges: The authors present a multidimensional framework for comparing prompting frameworks. They apply a set of metrics (as shown in Figure 3 of the document) to build a capability matrix for mainstream prompting frameworks (as illustrated in Figure 4). This analysis helps to distill the benefits and limitations of different prompting frameworks in relation to criteria such as handling unconventional input, content exceeding token limits, and non-textual contents beyond LLM capabilities. Representative frameworks in the comparison include LangChain, Haystack, Semantic Kernel, Griptape, and others.

The paper also delves into the existing challenges in the development and practical implementation of prompting frameworks, recognizing the dynamism of the field and the complexities involved in interfacing sophisticated LLMs with the external world. Acknowledging the nascent state of many of these frameworks, the authors allude to ongoing experimentation and development within the industry and academia.

Overall Impressions & Recommendations:

  • This paper can be a pivotal resource for both researchers and practitioners in the field of AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP). It successfully captures the current state of researching LLM-enhancing tools and provides a structured approach to understanding their application and limitations.
  • For industry stakeholders, the surveyed frameworks and tools represent potential avenues for enhancing their AI capabilities, enabling autonomous agents and interactive applications.
  • The challenges and future lines of inquiry identified by the authors may steer the direction of subsequent innovations in prompting frameworks and LLM integrations.
  • It is clear that while the commercial applications for LLM-based prompting frameworks are vast, intricacies remain to be addressed, and this paper surfaces these matters effectively for consideration by the broader community engaged in the ethical and responsible deployment of AI systems.

In conclusion, the paper is novel and of significant merit, providing a detailed survey that spans the spectrum of the prompting frameworks landscape. It elucidates their applications; discusses their strengths, weaknesses, and challenges; and underscores the potential they hold in revolutionizing enterprise AI and various commercial applications—paving the way for future research and development.

Author’s Abstract

Since the launch of ChatGPT, a powerful AI Chatbot developed by OpenAI, large language models (LLMs) have made significant advancements in both academia and industry, bringing about a fundamental engineering paradigm shift in many areas. While LLMs are powerful, it is also crucial to best use their power where “prompt” plays a core role. However, the booming LLMs themselves, including excellent APIs like ChatGPT, have several inherent limitations: 1) temporal lag of training data, and 2) the lack of physical capabilities to perform external actions. Recently, we have observed the trend of utilizing prompt-based tools to better utilize the power of LLMs for downstream tasks, but a lack of systematic literature and standardized terminology, partly due to the rapid evolution of this field. Therefore, in this work, we survey related prompting tools and promote the concept of the “Prompting Framework” (PF), i.e. the framework for managing, simplifying, and facilitating interaction with large language models. We define the lifecycle of the PF as a hierarchical structure, from bottom to top, namely: Data Level, Base Level, Execute Level, and Service Level. We also systematically depict the overall landscape of the emerging PF field and discuss potential future research and challenges. To continuously track the developments in this area, we maintain a repository at, which can be a useful resource sharing platform for both academic and industry in this field.

Read the full paper here

Last updated on November 26th, 2023.