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an intricate globe-like structure composed of words and codes, representing a large language model, surrounded by various shields or barriers. The serene blue background conveys safety and stability in the deployment of these models.

Prompt Risk Control: A Rigorous Framework for Responsible Deployment of Large Language Models Academic Paper Alert!

Written by Thomas P. Zollo, Todd Morrill, Zhun Deng, Jake C. Snell, Toniann Pitassi, Richard Zemel

Category: AI Strategy & Governance

Article Section: Ethical and Responsible AI; Responsible AI Practices

Publication Date: 2023-11-22

SEO Description: “Explore safe AI use with Prompt Risk Control, a framework ensuring responsible Large Language Model deployment.”


Prompt Risk Control, Language Models, Responsible Deployment, Statistical Bounding Techniques, Risk Measures

AI-Generated Paper Summary

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The paper “Prompt Risk Control: A Rigorous Framework for Responsible Deployment of Large Language Models” by Thomas P. Zollo, Todd Morrill, Zhun Deng, Jake C. Snell, Toniann Pitassi, and Richard Zemel, primarily associated with Columbia University and Princeton University, presents a framework for mitigating risks associated with the deployment of large language models (LLMs)​​.


  • The paper addresses the challenges in deploying LLMs, particularly in selecting prompts that optimize performance while minimizing risks like poor responses or toxic content. It introduces Prompt Risk Control (PRC), a framework for choosing prompts based on upper bounds on various risk measures. This approach aims to reduce worst-case scenarios and disparities in generation quality across user populations. The framework is adaptable to distribution shifts, enhancing its applicability in real-world scenarios​​.
  • PRC distinguishes between loss (a measure of generation quality for a single data point) and risk (a population-level measure of losses). It utilizes Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification (DFUQ) methods to produce high-probability upper bounds on risk, enabling controlled prompt selection​​.
  • The PRC algorithm takes a set of candidate prompts and returns a subset that satisfies user-defined risk thresholds. This risk-controlled prompt set is then evaluated to determine the most suitable prompt for deployment, considering both risk and performance metrics​​.
  • Experiments conducted include applications in code generation, chatbots, and medical question summarization. These experiments demonstrate PRC’s effectiveness in reducing the likelihood of poor model outputs and managing trade-offs between performance and responsible deployment. For instance, in a chatbot application, PRC helped avoid the generation of highly toxic content, contrasting with traditional model evaluation methods​​.

Author Caliber:

  • The authors are affiliated with prestigious institutions (Columbia University and Princeton University), indicating a high caliber in their respective fields. This affiliation suggests a solid academic foundation and access to resources conducive to high-quality research.


  1. Addresses a critical and timely issue in AI ethics and responsible AI deployment.
  2. Introduces a novel framework (PRC) that quantifies and mitigates risk in LLMs.
  3. Employs advanced statistical methods (DFUQ) to control risk.
  4. Validates the approach through diverse, high-impact experiments.

Commercial Applications:

  1. Development of safer and more responsible LLM-based applications (e.g., chatbots, code generators).
  2. Integration into LLM deployment pipelines in various industries to enhance trust and reliability.
  3. Application in sensitive domains like healthcare and legal services, where risk control is paramount.
  4. Potential use in AI governance and policy-making, providing a model for risk assessment and mitigation.

Findings and Conclusions:

  1. PRC effectively reduces the probability of undesirable outcomes in LLMs.
  2. Empirical results demonstrate PRC’s capability to balance performance with responsible deployment.
  3. The framework can handle complex scenarios, including adversarial distributions and distribution shifts.
  4. The study underscores the importance of considering both risk and performance in LLM deployment.

Author’s Abstract

The recent explosion in the capabilities of large language models has led to a wave of interest in how best to prompt a model to perform a given task. While it may be tempting to simply choose a prompt based on average performance on a validation set, this can lead to a deployment where unexpectedly poor responses are generated, especially for the worst-off users. To mitigate this prospect, we propose Prompt Risk Control, a lightweight framework for selecting a prompt based on rigorous upper bounds on families of informative risk measures. We offer methods for producing bounds on a diverse set of metrics, including quantities that measure worst-case responses and disparities in generation quality across the population of users. In addition, we extend the underlying statistical bounding techniques to accommodate the possibility of distribution shifts in deployment. Experiments on applications such as open-ended chat, medical question summarization, and code generation highlight how such a framework can foster responsible deployment by reducing the risk of the worst outcomes.

Read the full paper here

Last updated on December 9th, 2023.